Well, as luck would have it, I RUINED one of the most beautiful shawls I ever made! It was another of Renee Leverington's Mystery Shawls, MS17 - Petroglyphs. I am so upset at myself! I was soaking the shawl and couldn’t believe how much dye was coming out of it. So I kept soaking and rinsing and squeezing and re-soaking all day long. Finally, the last time I went up to rinse it yet again (in the evening), I noticed how weird the shawl felt. When I looked at it, I saw that it had felted!!!! I couldn’t believe it! I guess I must have “squeezed” it a few times too many. I didn’t wring it, I know that, and didn't use warm or hot water, but I guess the constant squeezing and soaking did it in. Lesson learned! But why did it have to be on one of the prettiest shawls I ever made?!
I was ready to just throw the whole thing away, but I decided to try to block it despite the felting. I had to pull the shawl apart in several spots that had felted together, especially along the neck edge, where the “eyelet” border is. I couldn’t even see the eyelets! But eventually I got that edge all pulled out and got the shawl pinned down. But the beauty of my work is gone. You can see that it’s felted: there’s no definition of stitches and the shawl itself is WAY smaller (and denser) than it should be, more like a shawlette now. Normally, these shawls are about 72” x 36”. This one is about 60” x 27”. And it just doesn’t have the beautiful delicacy that laceweight shawls have. I really loved this shawl and especially loved the yarn-bead combination that I used (Cinnabar Zephyr with metallic gold beads). I may make it again in the future just because I loved the bead pattern in it. I’m just not sure. All I know is I am devastated about it.
Anyone else ever had a yarn where the dye just wouldn’t stop coming out?
So sorry this happened to you. A shame the dye wasn't set good. Guess you are right, lesson learned for you and all of us.
And do you know that even after soaking for an entire day, when I just went up to unpin it, the dye had run all over the white sheet I laid it on!! I couldn't believe it! I took some photos and it actually doesn't look as bad as I had originally thought. I'll post them in a bit. But I don't know if I'll ever use that Cinnabar again. It doesn't seem like it EVER comes clean!